Archiv vom 17. December 2013

DVDLog still lives

Rumours of this website’s demise, etc… I had great plans for DVDLog this December, but for a whole lot of different reasons none of these really worked out and I’m still sitting on a pile of un- and half-finished material. This happenend mainly because I lost my writing mojo a little again, but also because of the low influx of new DVDs at the moment. But this does definitively not mean I’m giving up here, quite the contrary – the plan is still to review a few new discs, translate more of my older articles into English and maybe write some other posts about movies and television.

I will try to do at least one little review before the holidays and maybe write another article – I hope I can get this done before the week is out. But I’m not sure if I will be doing the traditional DVD Recap this year, since there are only very few discs worth mentioning. Perhaps I’ll do it later in January after a winter break, which I will need to recharge my batteries, make some adjustments to the website like translating the menus and cleaning up the review list – I hope I can get back to a semi-regular update rhythm at the latest in February. 

But I’m not gone! I’m actually a little busy elsewhere – I’m posting daily images over on my Photography Blog and sometimes over on the original website about everything from Space & Astronomy to Vintage Computers and Webdesign. And of course you can follow all my shenanigans on my Google+ stream – and on Facebook and Twitter, but I’m not as active as on G+ there.

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