Archiv vom 24. June 2013

DVD-Websites: DVD Savant

It has been very slow going here on DVDLog because of the hot weather and I haven’t managed to write anything new yet. But why not write about someone else’s work for a change? There is somebody who I would really like to introduce properly, because he has been so generous to mention me on his site very often: Glenn Erickson, better known as DVD Savant, who is not only a world-class movie, dvd and blu-ray reviewer, but also a film editor with an amazing history.

Glenn has been writing on the web for now more than fifteen years, starting as the MGM Video Savant before becoming DVD Savant first at the now unfortunately vanised DVD Resources and later moving to DVDTalk – and he also writes for Turner Classic Movies. His output rate is amazing, he usually updates twice a week with three reviews each, and every of his words is worth reading. Glenn specializes in classic movies with a penchant for the obscure and virtually unknown, but sometimes also writes about current releases. He has an encyclopaedic knowledge about film classics and his articles often contain exhaustive original research, making them much more than simple reviews. They are always fascinating and interesting to read, even if you know nothing about the movie in the first place, because this is Glenn Erickson’s goal: to get his readers interested in the movies he cares about.

Glenn Erickson has also published two books with his reviews: the first, simply titled DVD Savant in 2004, followed by Sci-Fi Savant in 2011 – which, I must unfortunately admit, have still not bought yet for budget reasons. But all his reviews, hundreds of them, are archived on his website and I can only urge you to go over there and dive into Glenn’s brilliant world of film history. He is a huge inspiration for me and one of the reasons I still keep on writing – so, thank you, Glenn, for letting us take part in your continuing adventures in the land of movie history!

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